Tuesday 13 January 2009

New year, new me?

Well, what can I say...not much good at this blogging am I? The smallest thing distracts me and I cease to post.

Last year (!) my excuse was a little silly accident. On 13th March (NOT a Friday!) I took a fall from Pinto in which I fractured my wrist. I actually sheared the head of the radius, dislocating the fracture site to 70degrees in the opposite direction to which is was meant to be pointing! I had surgery later that night to reduce the fracturer and to fix the whole thing together with a nice T plate and 7 screws. Enforced rest for 10 weeks (including 7 weeks off work! yay!) and a total of 19 weeks of physio I only managed to ride a couple of times during the summer, and only a few lessons in between.

Unfortunately I was left with residual nerve pain, and kept getting electric shock-like jags whenever I made a closed fist and flexed my wrist i.e. whenever I held the rein correctly, so it really put a dampner on riding.

Towards the end of October I psyched myself up and sat my Galop 1 and 2 exams (with a group of 6 and 7 year-olds lol) before having another surgery to remove the plate and screws. Then I was forced to rest again. Then it was Christmas, then I was ill (goes on and on doesn't it... these excsuses!)

I eventually climb back on board on Saturday 10 Jan, and it felt soooo goooood! Freezing cold, but good. We're having a bit of a cold snap atm, and it's currently rising to about -2C during the day and down to about -14C at night. This means permafrost on the roads and solid ground on the grass tracks, so no riding outside until we get a bit of a thaw.

I'm hoping to ride a couple of times during the week on a night, and at the weekend too, depending on how busy the manege gets.

My first aim for this year is to get back to where Pinto and I were in March last year, then we'll go from there.

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