Monday 26 January 2009

Visiting a tack shop with friends is dangerous...

Because you can get talked into buying all kinds of extraneous things, like:

I had planned on spending yesterday afternoon trying it ut with the help of a couple of friends, but in the end they couldn't make it so I puzzled it out for myself (I think!)

It has ben a long, loing time since I put a Western saddle on a horse, and I was a bit rusty, but I think I got there in the end.

Looks quite smart, yes?

The latigo for the front cinch didn't really have enough holes in it for me to do the girth up snugly, so with much trepedation I had to mount with a fairly loose girth (I'm pretty sure I won't be doing anything which will require a flank cinch!!!) The first disappointment was that the stirrup leathers were far too long; once mounted, my foot didn't come anywhere near the stirrup, even with them on the highest setting. Now I have to make a judgement on whether to punch extra holes to try the saddle properly and risk making it "second hand" if I should need to take it back to th store, or whether to persevere, with an observer, and try it again.

Anyway, we got mounted and we walked around the manege for a while, I even tried a very small trot on both reins (no stirrups remember!). Overall the saddle felt comfy, rather wide and hip-stretchy, and I don't know how much that would improve with stirrups, but it felt nice, and I certainly felt secure in it.


The saddle moved back during out brief tryout, and I think it was a bit tight over the shoulder as it settled during the ride. I really need a second opinion (sorry, no such thing as saddle fitters here!), so I'll have to wait until my friend is free - hopefully soon.

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