Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Horses are better than therapists!

No weekend roundup this week

I waited until lunchtime on Saturday to see if the weather would sort itself out (blowing a gale and lashing down with rain) but it didn't so decided to go food shopping, and eventually got to they yard at 3pm.

Gave Pinto a really thorough grooming (including combing all the knots and mats out of his armpits - I will be so pleased once he has shed out - his armpits are disgusting!) and then set about his mane.

For the past month or so I've been plaiting Pintos mane up to 1) make grooming easier 2) in an attempt to keep it a smidgin cleaner 3) to stop it knotting with the reins. In a short space of time Pinto's mane has gone from longish to LONG, or so it seems, and although I am really loathe to shorten it, it's getting a bit impractical.

Plus, keeping it plaited, it takes about 5 mins to comb through rather than a good 45 mins if it was all knotted, tangly and full of mud-cicles. I wish I could do the same with his tail! After spending a good 2 hours washing it last week it's back to 'normal' this week and disgusting again.

I really enjoy my time just being with Pinto when I'm grooming without an agenda.

The weather was the smae again yesterday, and I'm too much of a wuss to get soaked and blown about, so Pinto has had a weekend off.

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